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Herlington Preschool, Peterborough

News - Homepage

4th Jun 2024
We will be opening a baby room in September, which will enable us to take children...
3rd Jun 2024
Parents comments:”what a fabulous day we have had, wonderful staff, amazing...
3rd May 2024
Please pop along to the preschool, on Saturday 01st June 10.00am -12.30pmWe have...
4th Feb 2024
Each class will be holding a valentine disco on 14th February 1.00pm - 3.00pm. There...
13th Dec 2023
All the children did amazing at their nativity plays. Well done everyone 
8th Dec 2023
The children who will be starting reception class in September 2024, had a visit...
28th Nov 2023
Our Christmas HAF club will run on Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Thursday 28th and Friday...
28th Nov 2023
Our postbox is now at the front of preschool for your children’s letters to...
14th Nov 2023
We will be holding a dress up day for Children in need this Friday 17th November....
2nd Nov 2023
The families at Herlington preschool supported our Harvest Festival collection, we...